Why bigger businesses are more stable

Why bigger businesses are more stable


In the earliest stages of owning a cleaning company, every cleaner you add increases the stability of the company significantly.

Going from 1 cleaner to 2 is the difference between losing someone and literally not losing the entire business.

Going from 2 cleaners to 3 is MASSIVE, and as this growth continues, things begin to stabilize. If one person quits, you can move their work onto other people without losing customers.

This is a microcosm of how every business operates; a larger operation is going to be more resilient to economic downturns, competition, etc., because they have more sources of income and more employees.

So when you buy stock in larger cap companies, it's typically less volatile. And if you're buying a business, when looking at larger businesses with more diverse customers and employees, you're not just paying for more cash flow. You're buying stability as well.


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